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Planning Board Minutes 06/09/08
Greenfield Planning Board Minutes
June 9, 2008
Minutes recorded by Jim Fletcher

7:10 pm Start of Meeting

The meeting was brought to order at 7:07 p.m. Members in attendance were: Carrara, Borden, Morris, and Fletcher. Carrara read the minutes from the meeting of May 26, 2008. Motion made by Morris to accept minutes as read; seconded by Fletcher; all in favor.

7:13 pm Brooke Leasing & Development

Jim Hawkins paid initial legal fees of $70 covering the review of the cistern, easement, deed and declaration of covenants. Member O’Connell arrived at 7:17 pm. The board continued with discussion of legal issues. Member Fletcher made the following motion:

After review by the town attorney, the Board accepts the declaration of covenants and restrictions for Ryan’s Farm OSD.
Seconded by O'Connell, all in favor.

Carrara stated that the Board has hired Nick Cricenti’s firm, SFC Engineering, to inspect the road construction activities for Ryan’s Farm OSD. General discussion of adding a note on future subdivision plats reading:
"No road construction of any kind may begin without the express written consent of the Planning Board. All road construction must follow subdivision regulations and procedures.”

7:51 pm Mail

Brochure from NH LGC for "Knowing the Territory: Survey of Municipal Boards for NH Local Officials". The Board wishes to buy one copy.
Notice from NH DES pursuant to RSA 541-A:39. Application from Eugene Mitchell for an RSA 485-A:17 alteration of terrain permit.
Formal filing of minor subdivision and site plan review for CMRC.

8:00 pm PCC For Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center
Present for CMRC are Michael Redmond (Vice President of Advancement at CMRC) and Sheldon Pennoyer (Architect). CMRC presented architectural drawings for a first "neighborhood of mutual support". Discussion included requiring a new lot to be created, for the purpose of financing. This lot is within a previously created lot contained by the CMRC campus but not on the current town tax map. The current lot was created for the sole purpose of financing which is no longer applicable.

CMRC formally filed an application for a minor subdivision and a site plan review. The Board will schedule a special meeting on June 25th at which time the applications will formally be submitted to the Board. For the current "neighborhood" project CMRC will mail notices to all its abutters.

Alternate Member Mitchell arrived at 8:22 pm. Carol Ogilvie will review the applications. The Board discussed the need for an independent engineer to review the storm water management plan. Carrara will ask Keach Nordstrom Associates to review the plan.

The Board discussed possible zoning changes including the creation of an institutional zone. Other local institutions will be contacted for input.

8:50 pm Review of Subdivision Regulations

Board will review the regulations in further detail at a later date. Member O’Connell will review other town fee structures.

9:04 pm End of Meeting

Motion to adjourn by Morris. Seconded by O’Connell. All in favor.